Thursday, June 7, 2012

Della Palma

I have been taking a break from studying Italian because I have had visitors (and will have more visitors!) in and been travelling with them, so my free time needs to go towards school work.

So instead of sharing about what I'm learning, I will tell you about one of my favourite parts of Italian cuisine- GELATO!! =)

When I went to Italia for the first time, I was about to start my senior year of high school and was making my first international trip. It was a great experience, and I still hold the theory that the first country you visit in Europe always holds a special place in your heart.

I still love Italy, and although I haven't been able to eat gelato as often as I did on that first trip (I may have become addicted...) I still love gelato and Della Palma is still my favourite gelateria!

We often had a break from classes each night when I studied in Italy, and the instructors would usually take us to the Piazza Navona. My friends and I usually would make our way to Della Palma during this time because it wasn't too far and they have tons of choices! I remember one girl got rose flavoured gelato there. It was the best! Here is a photo I took there at the end of our trip. They probably recognized us by that point! haha =)

 So I made sure to stop in a few times while I was there on holiday! It's still just as good, and they still have tons of options (my friend got champagne gelato!) Can't wait to go back!! =)

(In case you are thinking of going to Rome and want to visit, here are some links:)
Della Palma website
Trip Advisor- check out the pictures!

~Ciao Bella~

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