Tuesday, May 21, 2013

perdonarmi di nuovo per la assenza prolungata (e eurovision!)

Sorry again for taking such a long absence. I moved, then Derby happened and it took me longer than I thought to settle in to mi nuovo appartamento. But I am settled now and enjoying getting back into Italian! 

I have basically had to start over from scratch (which in all reality is not that far behind where I left off.) And since I am rehashing what I'd already learned and since I don't feel like rehashing the same topic for a blog entry, I have decided to talk a little about Eurovision!! (aka the best competition on Earth!)

Eurovision is similar to American Idol, The Voice, The X Factor etc. etc., except it predates all of these shows. Eurovision was started in 1956 as a way to help reunite Europe after WWII. Each European country that is participating will send one singer, they each sing an original song, each country will vote for their favorite (and they can't vote for the singer your country sent) and when the votes are in, the winner is announced and winner's country will have to host the event the following year. Eurovision has been won by ABBA and Celine Dion (for Switzerland, which seems a bit unfair since she isn't even from the country, but some countries will do whatever it takes to win if they want to host it badly enough!)

Italy had opted out of participating for a few years but came back in 2011, and I am glad they did because it was one of my favorite songs from that year. (It finished in second place so I think many people were in agreement with me!) Love the jazz influence and his smooth voice!

Music is one of the best ways to learn a language, and I can't wait to find some more Italian singers to listen to! If anyone out there has any suggestions, I would love to hear them!

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