Tuesday, January 22, 2013

due cose

So I have due cose (2 things) to share.

First, I have watched some videos from the Youtube channel I shared before. I watched two or three videos from a channel called 'Peccati Originali' (Which means original sins! Haha, I thought peccati sounded liked 'pica' which means snack in Spanish... although now that I think of it, it does sound more like 'pecado' which does mean sin.). It is a show about making dessert, and even though I don't understand tons of what she is saying, I can keep up by the visuals going along with the show.

Anyway, while watching the video for 'il crumble di mele' (apple crumble), I may not have been paying as close attention as I should because I was watching TV at the same time, but I did hear the chef say to use "burro"... And I was thinking, "Did I hear her say 'burro'? I hope it means something different in Italian than it does in Spanish!" (In case you don't know, 'burro' means donkey in English.) And it turns out I did hear her say 'burro', and luckily it does mean something different in Italian- so no donkey going into this apple crumble, just butter! =)

The second thing is today we had a family from Italy visit the museum! (Meeting people from all over the world is definitely my favorite part of being a tour guide!) I got to talk to them a little about visiting Italy this summer while I took them out on tour, and I understood a lot of what they were saying to each other in Italian! For example, it was so cold today that when we got back inside the father touched his son's face with his had, and his son said 'guanti!' The dad turned to me to explain that 'guanti' means gloves in Italian, but I already knew that because the word in Spanish, 'guantes', is so similar.

Glad to see my Spanish vocabulary is not always a false cognate in Italian!

~Ciao Ciao Bella~

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